Driver-Related Delusional Disorder

‘Behind the wheel, we’re overconfident, inattentive and over-reliant on tech.’

A recent study into driver behaviour concluded, not surprisingly, that the younger you are, the more likely you are to drive in a risky manner.

Also, an aggressive personality is associated with risky driving.

No surprises there.

But what did surprise me was that ‘Aggression in driving was only marginally more likely to be found in men than in women’.

Driving behavioural patterns are hard to explain.

For example, why do we tailgate drivers in front yet become aggressive when we are being tailgated?

80% of us believe their driving skills are above average.

Car manufacturers must sell cars, making this lethal machinery too comfortable and easy to drive, adding to excessive driver overconfidence.

Many years ago, Volvo advertised that they built the safest cars on the road; I will let you imagine the result.

We, as humans, are not terribly good at multi-tasking; driving calls for an excess of multi-tasking.

Interestingly, on the other side of the coin, some people suffer from Driving Phobia, or, more correctly, Driving-Related Delusional Disorder.

Essentially, these poor souls are subjected to irrational beliefs or fears related to driving.

They feel they are incapable of driving safely despite having the required skills and experience, and they imagine causing accidents or being harmed while driving.

And, of course, our passengers: if you find them screaming next to you, you are not suffering from Road Rage; you are suffering a new phenomenon, Passenger Rage.

If you discover that driving makes your passengers consider walking a viable option, your ‘driving skill’ probably needs some attention.